Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Are You Generic?

[M]ass production might be the most efficient way to make things in the physical world, but it makes them all the same.  Face it, punks, sameness is lameness.  Why would you want to be just like everyone else?  Why would you want your stuff to be just like everyone else's stuff?  Since it gets made that way cause it's cheaper, the obvious solution is. . . mod it.  What's to stop you from drawing on your iPod with a marker?  Or scratching your name into the finish on your laptop?  But you don't have to stop there.

PC modders upgrade their hardware, but they also add visuals like glowing case fans.  Some even reduild their cases into functional art.  There's a good community of casemodders here. 

Going a step farther you get into physical hacking, but I'll write about that later.  I'm jacking out now.  I've got to get back to the physical world.

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